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News & Events

23 June 2024
On World Whistleblower Day 2024: What about the Women?
When Nathalie, an executive in a large Parisian bank, questioned her boss about secret parallel accounting systems supporting a vast system of tax evasion, she could not have predicted the ...
14 March 2024
Dutch Whistleblowing Authority Huis Voor Klokkenluiders launches new video inspired by our work
The Dutch Whistleblowers Authority provides advice and support for persons who want to report a possible wrongdoing within the context of their work-related activities. The Authority also conducts investigations into ...
14 March 2024
European Commission-funded project begins: BRIGHT: Building Resilience through Integrity, Good Governance, and Honesty Training
Professor Kate Kenny alongside Professor Wim Vandekerckhove from EDHEC Business School begins a groundbreaking project funded by the European Commission. The European Whistleblowing Institute (EWI) has secured funding for the "...
8 March 2024
Professor Kate Kenny invited to speak at Open University event: Voice and Protest
Professor Kenny gave a talk entitled, "Her Fearless Speech? Gender and Speaking Out", aimed at mapping the landscape of gender and whistleblowing based on existing research studies, and proposing a ...
14 February 2024
Podcast with Zelda Perkins, Campaigner and Whistleblower
For Episode 3 of Parrhesia Inc's podcast series, Professor Kate Kenny is part of the panel interviewing Zelda Perkins. Zelda is the first woman to break her NDA against Harvey Weinstein, ...
23 September 2023
The Future of Whistleblowing Research: Five Key Themes and Questions
The landscape of whistleblowing in organizations is rapidly changing. New laws are emerging worldwide. We see changes to organizational policies and practices, new technologies supporting these changes, and a growing ...
14 August 2023
Postdoc positions: Whistleblowing and Information Technology
An upcoming postdoc opportunity at University of Galway:
29 July 2023
The faithful, risky whistleblowing of Sinead O'Connor
She wanted to keep the contract she had made in her youth: to stand up for truth and justice in the face of power. That’s how Sinead O’Connor ...
3 July 2023
New article: ‘Feminist social movements and whistleblowing disclosures: Ireland's Women of Honour’ (by Kate Kenny)
What learnings can all whistleblowing and whistleblowers take from the recent #MeToo phenomena and disclosures of sexual harassment and sexual violence? This article highlights how social movements based on workers ...
14 May 2023
Professor Kate Kenny joins University of Essex Centre for Work, Organization and Society as Associate Member
The Centre for Work, Organisation and Society aims to support cross-disciplinary research on work, society and organisational life. Directed by Professors Melissa Tyler and Philip Hancock and Dr Sophie Hales, ...
24 February 2023
The Future of Whistleblowing Research: On-Campus Keynote and Panel Discussion, 30th March
Whistleblowing is a topic of interest for scholars and practitioners in Law, Business Ethics, Social Sciences and Management. With the incoming EU Whistleblower Directive (2021) changing the landscape of disclosure at ...
25 January 2023
25th January 2023 Post-truth, Freedom of Speech.
Professor Marianna Fotaki hosted a webinar on the topic of ‘Post-truth, Freedom of Speech and Speaking Out’ at Warwick University’s Socrates Club, alongside Prof Hari Tsoukas.  Speakers included Professor ...
23 January 2023
23rd January 2023, Prof Kate Kenny: Keynote at Aalto University Department of Management Studies.
Prof Kate Kenny gave a keynote and hosted a workshop on research articles with staff and PhD students, including the 2020 Organization Studies publication, ‘Whistleblower subjectivities: Organization and passionate attachment. More ...
24 November 2022
24th November 2022, Prof Kate Kenny Panellist at Integrity at Work Conference
Kate Kenny spoke at Transparency International Ireland’s Integrity at Work Conference on the topic of ‘Measures of Support for Whistleblowers’, alongside Helene Donnelly OBE – Ambassador for Cultural Change at ...
17 November 2022
Call for Abstracts: Whistleblowing Paper Development Workshop (Galway, 30 March 2023)
We invite you to the University of Galway to take part in a paper development workshop and networking forum on the topic of whistleblowing. The event is aimed at early ...
3 November 2022
The Emerging Role of Whistle-blowers in Democracies by Robert Tibbo
On 3rd November, Professor Iain Munro hosted a public lecture by Robert Tibbo, Human Rights Lawyer at Newcastle University, as part of its public lecture series. Mr. Tibbo is known ...
27 May 2022
Prof Kate Kenny as panellist at “Whistleblowing Canada Research Society” International Conference
Kate Kenny joined a panel discussing the topic of “Whistleblowers, Trauma, and Reprisals”, focused on the mental health impacts of whistleblowing. Other members included: Richard Rapoport, MSW, Psychotherapist, Jennifer Fraser, ...
26 April 2022
Whistleblowing and Legal Support
Dr. Lauren Kierans (BL), Maynooth University presents "Whistleblowing and Legal Support", the third webinar in the series "Whistleblowing and External Partners" run with Cork University Business School, NUI Galway, and ...
15 March 2022
Prof Kate Kenny speaks at workshop on “Whistleblowing, Human Rights and Social Justice”
On 15th March 2022, this event brought together a multidisciplinary panel of experts concerned with whistleblower protections from the fields of law and the social sciences. The workshop focused on overlapping ...
12 March 2022
Whistleblowing and Advocacy Groups
Dr. Meghan Van Portfliet of Cork University Business School championed discussions with three professionals from three advocacy groups that offer various support to whistleblowers. This is part of the ongoing ...
28 February 2022
Whistleblowing and the Media
Whistleblowing is a phenomenon that is not going away. In this session, hosted by the Whitaker Institute at NUI Galway, four speakers from the field of journalism shared their experiences of working with whistleblowing disclosures and the best practices, challenges, and lessons learned. Facilitated by Professor Kate Kenny.
25 November 2021
Challenging Culture through Speaking Up
Dr Tom Clonan shares his experience of highlighting sexual violence and gender based discrimination within the Irish Defence forces.
17 November 2021
Whistleblower Retaliation
Professor Kate Kenny was one of three panellists at Bentley University, U.S.’s webinar on Retaliation.
2 November 2021
Civil Society, National Security, and Breaking Down Barriers for Public Interest
Professor Kate Kenny was invited panellist at a workshop hosted by University of East Anglia and Protect UK.
30 October 2021
Whistleblower advocacy and solidarity
New article by Meghan Van Portfliet and Kate Kenny, ‘Whistleblowing advocacy: Solidarity and fascinance’, is published in Organization.
13 October 2021
Whistleblower Courage- A two-part TV documentary series
Professor Kate Kenny took part in a documentary series on Ireland’s TG4, aired 13th and 20th October. ‘Misneach’ (translation: Courage) explores the experiences of whistleblowers in Ireland.
20 September 2021
Whistleblowing in Global Finance: Podcast
Professor Kate Kenny gave a podcast in conversation with Tereza Østbø Kuldova (Black Box by Algorithmic Governance Research Network, Norway).
17 September 2021
Troubling Whistleblowing: A Gendered Experience?
Professor Kate Kenny along with Dr Mahaut Fanchini, University of Paris presented at the International Whistleblowing Research Conference, Middlesex University.
28 July 2021
To Blow Or Not To Blow: Normative Approaches to Whistleblowing
Professor Kate Kenny was an invited panellist to the Society for Business Ethics Annual Meeting.
26 July 2021
EU Whistleblowing Directive and Ireland
Professor Kate Kenny provided an invited submission to Ireland’s Joint Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform and Taoiseach, on the transposition of EU Directive in the context of Ireland.
8 July 2021
Podcast "Exploring the challenges of Whistleblowing"
Do organizations give us anxiety? How does this contribute to whistleblower reprisals? Why should whistleblowers not be put through a motivation test to avail of protections? And what about 'disgruntled employees'? These are some of the topics explored in this Podcast episode in the series Brain for Business.
29 June 2021
Irelandʼs EU Directive Transposition
Professor Kate Kenny was invited to make a written submission to the Joint Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, and Taoiseach, at the Houses of the Oireachtas (Parliament).
23 June 2021
World Whistleblower Day—But who ‘gets’ to blow the whistle?
Who 'gets' to whistle blow? How do unequal working conditions, gender, race, and precarity affect who can speak up? Whose voices can be heard? Read Kate Kenny’s short article in NUI Galway’s Cois Coiribe magazine.
10 June 2021
Podcast "Whistleblowing: Edgy Ideas"
How can society support or punish whistleblowers? How do deep-seated organizational structures and group dynamics affect whistleblowing? Some topics discussed during Professor Kate Kenny’s contribution to the Edgy Ideas podcast with Dr Simon Western.
2 June 2021
The Challenges of Whistleblowing: Podcast
Professor Kate Kenny was a guest on the Brain for Business, Brain for Life podcast. She discussed speak-up systems, changes in whistleblowing law, and whether disgruntled employees whistleblow.
20 May 2021
Effectiveness of Whistleblowing Systems: A Critical Approach
Professor Kate Kenny was a Keynote Speaker at the International Whistleblowing Forum at the Jagiellonian University of Cracow, Poland.
18 May 2021
Enhancing Willingness to Whistleblow Internally: PhD Defence
Whitaker Institute member Muhammad Irfan passed his PhD viva with minor corrections. Dr Irfan was supervised by Professor Kate Kenny.
8 May 2021
Presentation: "Whistleblowing, accountability, and speaking truth to power"
Kate Kenny presented at the International Festival of Dissent, Whistleblowing and Accountability.
29 April 2021
Whistleblowing in Organizations: Podcast
Professor Kate Kenny recorded a podcast episode for Dr Simon Western’s Edgy Ideas. They discuss how deep-seated organizational norms can affect whether whistleblowers are supported or punished for speaking ...
28 April 2021
Women Whistleblowers: Paying a Greater Price
Many whistleblowers endure a fight to be believed but existing inequalities exacerbate the risks faced by those who speak out and hold the powerful to account, with women often left ...
4 March 2021
Professor Kate Kenny co-hosted a panel on gender and whistleblowing
Led by Dr Meghan Van Portfliet, Professor Kate Kenny co-hosted Gender and Whistleblowing: A hidden aspect of speaking up. This event, hosted by the Whitaker Institute discussed how whistleblower research has been largely gender neutral, raising questions about the status of knowledge and understanding in this area.
20 January 2021
What protections do whistleblowers have under Irish and EU law?
Dr Lauren Kierans, Maynooth University and Professor Kate Kenny wrote an article for RTE Brainstorm.
19 January 2021
Professor Kate Kenny and Professor Marianna Fotaki launched the results of their recent study on Post-disclosure Survival Strategies in a webinar
Prof Kenny and Prof Fotaki presented the findings from their research on post-disclosure experiences of whistleblowers. The presentation was followed by a panel discussion with contributions from leading experts, practitioners and whistleblowers.
18 January 2021
How much money does whistleblowing cost people who speak out?
Professor Kate Kenny and Dr Meghan Van Portfliet co-authored an article with Stephanie Casey (Transparency International Ireland) for RTÉ Brainstorm.
15 December 2020
Professor Kate Kenny contributes to Principles for Responsible Investment report
Read the full report, 'Engaging with Whistleblowers: The Value for Investors’ here and watch the report launch video.
15 December 2020
Join event: Whistleblowers After Disclosure: Financial Impacts, Career Paths, and Survival Strategies
On 19th January 2021, we will launch results from research into whistleblower post-disclosure survival strategies, featuring expert panel contributors. Join our event via Zoom!
30 November 2020
Professor Kate Kenny presents at Copenhagen Business School
Professor Kenny presented on the topic ‘Performing Ignorance: The peculiar censorship of government and intelligence whistleblowers’, as part of the ephemera journal and the Department of MPP’s workshop on ...
27 November 2020
Prof Marianna Fotaki facilitated a panel discussion for the Integrity at Work Week
Prof Fotaki contributed to the Integrity at Work (IAW) annual conference by facilitating a panel discussion on ‘Encouraging Integrity – Creating a Speak Up/Listen Up Culture’. The discussants included Gerald ...
24 November 2020
Former Amazon manager and whistleblower Chris Smalls interviewed by Professor Kate Kenny for Transparency International Ireland IAW event
Professor Kenny contributed to the Integrity at Work (IAW) annual conference, Transparency International Ireland, by pre-recording an interview with Chris Smalls, former Amazon manager who spoke out about health and ...
20 November 2020
Professor Kate Kenny presents at University College Dublin’s CeBaS seminar
Professor Kenny presented on ‘Whistleblowers and their Allies: Reframing organizational resistance and external disclosures’ on 12th November.
23 October 2020
Our research was taken up by the Council on Business & Society for their 'Research Pods'
Our research into effective speak arrangements featured in the third in a series of the CoBS (The Council on Business & Society)'s Research Pods which are condensed learning capsules inspired from internationally published research.
21 October 2020
Professor Kate Kenny contributes to the documentary RTÉ Investigates
Prof Kate Kenny contributed to the documentary 'RTÉ Investigates: Whistleblowers Fighting To Be Heard' that screened on 21st September. The programme details the impact of speaking out, in five high-profile ...
21 September 2020
Expert comment, Irish Times.
Professor Kate Kenny’s contribution to a documentary on the impacts of whistleblowing on disclosers and their families in Ireland is featured in The Irish Times.
10 September 2020
EU Whistleblower Directive: Policy Paper for Member States Transposition and Implementation
Member States of the European Union have until December 2021 to transpose the EU Whistleblower Directive into national law. Based on the latest state-of-the-art research and international best practice and standards, ...